Monday, November 15, 2010

Two entrance exams a year.

students who are studying for the SAT

The scholastic ability test, which is a kind of university entrance exams, is now coming very close. Not only the students but also their parents are nervous because many Koreans think the result of the exam is very influential to one’s life. Even if it is not absolute true, many Koreans believe that to enter a good university is the key of success. Therefore, all the members of a family, who have a third grade student of high school, put a lot of attentions to him or her. Unlikely SAT which is held in the United States, Korea operates only one test in a year. Nowadays, according to the announcement of government, they will let the students take two exams in not very far years. There are a lot of arguments for and against this topic. In my opinion, this change is a good decision.
The people who opposites the change say that it can be very stressful to students because they prepare two exams. But I think that it is more stressful that one’s life is determined by only one opportunity. It is too harsh. If a student is not in a good health condition or meet inevitable a accident at the exam day, his or her efforts for several years disappears. Of course they can take the exam next year but the economic and psychological damage they get is too much. If the number of the test is two in a year, the burden for test will reduce. In addition, whether the number of test is one or two, students should study to take the exam well. So the burden for studying will not increase much by the increased number of exam.
The opposite side also says that it is unfair because the degree of difficulty of problem is not exactly same between two exams. It can be true. But usually, the difficulty is equally apply to all students. If the exam is only once, the influence of one's luck is larger rather than one's ability. So, if the number of exam is twice, the influence of luck can be reduced because there are more problems. Therefore, it can be helpful to level the students fairly based much on their ability. And the detailed worries about controlling the difficulty of problems can be solved by employing more education experts.
Finally, someone says that the cost for test will increase. It is possible but I think it is valuable to take the risk because it can improve the students’ welfare. Students can determine their future not by only one chance but by two chances if the system is changed. It gives them more possibility for their future. Also it can lead the potential of students come out by reducing the stress. So, it has more value than the cost. The students are the member of society and they will be the main member of few years. So to spend money for them is not wasteful way.
In conclusion, I think the idea to increase the opportunity is very good. It can reduce the psychological burden of students and make them to show their potentials without regret. But the detailed supplementation about how to execute the new system is required. It may take several years but I think it’s going to better way. Furthermore, I think the current system and recognition, which is only concentrated on entering a good university, should be changed basically for the development of Korean education.


  1. I do agree with u!
    In Vietnam, we also do have only 1 entrance exam. It is too harsh and competitive
    Actually, I didn't perform well on my entrance exam to the medical school in Vietnam 3 (or 4) years ago. Because I was not in good health during exam period. On top of that, the feeling of failing and so much pressure made me fail!

  2. I completely agree with you. I remember way back when I took the SATs and most people in the U.S. thought of the first time you take them as a "trial" or practice run. Then, you would re-take them and get a higher score after you understood the structure of the test and had already experienced it once.

  3. @Hai
    I'm sorry to hear that your story. For the situation like you, the number of entrance should increase. Anyway, I guess you have overcome that situation well now. It's a good thing.

  4. @daysindaejeon
    Yes,I think the SAT system in the United States is rather reasonable. By the way, I wonder which score students submit to universities. An Average or a Maximum?
